Change Font size Font Style in Android Samsung Galaxy S. Samsung Galaxy S is a touchscreen enabled, Android smartphone with default version Android Ice-Cream i.e Android Version 4.0.4. Stylish font on screen with proper size, looks always impressive, this makes people to wonder how to change the default font style and size of your Android device. Android Samsung Galaxy S enables you to change font style and font size without rooting or installing additional applications. All android phones, which run Android version 4.0.0 or greater gives you a direct option to change Font size and Style.
Change Font size Font Style in Android Samsung Galaxy S
Steps to Change Font size Font Style in Android Samsung Galaxy S
1.) From your Samsung Galaxy S mobile, open up menu->Setting->display.
2.) Tap to ‘display‘ in Setting page, which will display a Font Label, under which you can see ‘Font Style’ and ‘Font size’buttons.
3.) Tap on to Font Style, where you can see 4 different font style viz.
- Default Font
- Choco Cooky
- Helvetica S
- Rosemary
Let us tap on to Choco Cooky, which will ask to set font.
You can also select Get Fonts online to download and install new Font Style from Google play, which are available as both free and pro.
4.) To Change Font Size, select Font Size, which has following 5 options:
- Tiny
- Small
- Normal
- Large
- Huge
You can also try different application to change font style in your android device. Play with different font style and size to get the best fusion. Let us know which combination and which technique you prefer to change font Style and size, by commenting below.
Fonts changing worked… Thank you
Tried to change font size as you described. Will not change. I select normal and I get large when typing a text. Please help.