DND – Stop Ads SMS Call – Reliance, Docomo, BSNL, Airtel, Videocon, Vodafone, Aircel, MTNL, Idea. In your busy schedule an unwanted call or SMS might disturb and irritate you. Even you may get charged for some activation, due to by mistake some keys was pressed during the advertisement call of Mobile service provider. This makes TRAI(Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India) to notify a regulation “The Telecom Commercial Communication Customer Preference Regulation, 2010″. Customer of Any service provider who want to stop receiving Advertisement SMS and Call, can dial or SMS 1909 which is toll free number. Here are the two category and ways that they introduce to block ads:

Categories : DND – Stop Ads SMS Call – Reliance, Docomo, BSNL, Airtel, Videocon, Vodafone, Aircel, MTNL, Idea
- Full Blocked Category (No calls, No SMS): DND – Do not Disturb for any of commercial Calls and SMS advertisement.
- Partially Blocked Category (No calls, SMS on Selected Category): If you think, that you get some good offers and ideas for some category of ads, and you don’t want SMS to get blocked of that category, then this category will be suitable to opt. DND – of some Commercial SMS from one or more options listed below with the Table listing 7 Preferences, that user can allow ads for.
1 | Banking/Finance/Insurance/Credit |
2 | Real |
3 | Education |
4 | Health |
5 | Consumer |
6 | Communication/Broadcasting/Entertainment/IT |
7 | Tourism |

Steps : DND – Stop Ads SMS Call – Reliance, Docomo, BSNL, Airtel, Videocon, Vodafone, Aircel, MTNL, Idea
1.) By sms: To Stop receiving Unwanted calls and SMS, apply DND request, by just sending,
“START 0” ->(to) 1909 – For fully blocked Category, as described above.
“START <OPTION>” ->(to) 1909 – For partially blocking. Here in place of <OPTION> you need to write the option number listed above in partially blocked category, for which you want the Commercial ads of that category, to not get blocked, while the other category will be blocked.
- For example: If you Send, START 5 ->(to) 1909, Will allow Commercial SMS of only Consumer goods and automobiles, while other category be blocked.
For allowing multiple category Commercial SMS, write START <options>,<options>. i.e option number separated by comma(“,”).
- For example: If you send, START 1,2 ->(to) 1909, will allow banking, finance and Real Estate SMS ads.
Note: Dont, append option “0”, when opting for partially blocked DND, as it will attempt for Full Blocked DND.
2.) By Call: Call 1909(toll free number), with the SIM you want to apply for DND. It will ask for either talk to customer care or with IVRS(Interactive Voice Response), select one of the options. Process the call according to instructions and preferences given to you, remembering the above content discussed.
You will get a Confirmation SMS with your unique registration number, after the call or SMS made by you to 1909.
Note: Request made by you, on the National Customer Preference Register will be given effect to in 7 days after the date of request made. Also you may change your preferences at any time, after expiry of 3 months from the date of registration or 3 months from the date of last change request made.
Do see : Prepaid Postpaid Number Portability Procedure in India
Online Sites to apply for DND – DND – Stop Ads SMS Call – Reliance, Docomo, BSNL, Airtel, Videocon, Vodafone, Aircel, MTNL, Idea
You can also apply for DND online, by just filling up the form provided by the Service provider and on submitting the form, you will receive a SMS confirming the request with the unique registration number and preference choice made by you. Here are the list of websites URL of all Service provider to apply for DND.
Reliance | http://www.rcom.co.in/Rcom/personal/donotcall/donotcall.html |
Tata Docomo | http://www.tatadocomo.com/do-not-disturb.aspx |
Airtel | http://www.airtel.in/forme/dnd |
Bsnl | http://pcpr.bsnl.co.in/ |
Videocon | http://www.videocontelecom.com/dnd.html |
Vodafone | https://www.vodafone.in/pages/dnd.aspx |
Idea | http://www.ideacellular.com |
MTNL delhi | http://mtnldelhi.in/dolphin/index.php/do-not-call |
MTNL | http://mtnlmumbai.in/index.php/dnd |
Unitech | http://www.uninor.in/Pages/dnd.aspx |
In case, if you receive Commercial ads, after seven days from the date of registration, then you can make complaint to access provider. If this also not works, then call 1909 to complaint for the same.
Share you experience with DND, by just commenting below on the post DND – Stop Ads SMS Call – Reliance, Docomo, BSNL, Airtel, Videocon, Vodafone, Aircel, MTNL, Idea.
Dear Sir or Madam my father nkrao have a docomo number. So many company calls are coming to my father mobile. So please stop company calls.
Hi Sulekhya, please follow the above instructions, so as to stop company calls. DND is very helpful for this.
Thanks for the above information. But, there is not AIR CEL url for do not disturb registry online? What’s the use providing other service which I do not have.
dear sir
my mobile number is…i had activated NCPR service on my number past 2 year ago i was recieving the sms related to Way 2sms as per the TRAI it should be stopped but still i was able to recieve the sms kindly help me
dnd activation sms calls
in My mobile I had wrongly activatedAIR News SMS service from m.7738299899.I wants it should be stopped
Hi suresh.. To deactivate the service you need to call either customer care. DND stops further call and SMS from service provider.
try to check dnd status of mobile in India.
Hi Anshul, please follow the above instructions, so as to stop company calls. DND is very helpful for this.
Pleas STOP all value added services on my no
I was getting irritated with marketing calls. Just now I activated DND through 1909 call. It works, Thank you for sharing this article, It was really helpful
Thank you for sharing. It works just now i activated DND with the help of your guidance.