Download APK file from Google play store

Download APK file from Google play store

Download APK file from Google play store. APK files are the android application installer file. While you don’t require to download and install from apk file when installing the android application from Google play store. So why you need to download APK file? There are many reasons, for you to download APK file for android application, which is listed below:

Download APK file from Google play store
Download APK file from Google play store

Download APK file from Google play store

  • You may want to back up the application, in you card, so that you don’t want to waste your data packet to again download the same application or if you don’t have access to internet and want to install the app, that you like the most, then you are surely missing apk files.
  •  There are some devices, which doesn’t have the play store by default.
  • You may want to share apk files with friends , and many more.
  • Google play store, don’t allow the device to download the application, which is not compatible to your phone. If you know that the app is compatible to your phone, then lets download the APK file directly from Google play store, to overcome from this restriction.

Download APK file from Google play store

I had already posted a review of AppSaver, an application to convert the installed application from Google play store, in device to .APK files. Here you can download APK file from online tool created, by just entering Google play store URL of an application of which you want to download the file. Here is the link

Just enter the application link, and press “Generate Download link“, you will get the file in your computer or mobile from where you are accessing the site. Even they provide, chrome extension to do the same. You cannot download the paid application from the same site, as for the security concern. Share your experience, for application that you downloaded from this site, by just commenting below.

Author: akshay upadhyay

He is an Entrepreneur and Professional Blogger, who has tremendous passion for innovative application and developing them, like Video Waker. You can follow him on Google Plus.